Seminar with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche – May 2023 – The Six Lamps

Event details

  • vrijdag | 5 mei 2023 to zondag | 7 mei 2023
  • 20:00 - 17:00
  • Posthoornkerk, Haarlemmerstraat 124, Amsterdam

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a teacher who makes the Bön Buddhist from Tibet accessible in a clear and warm way to a western audience. Each year he comes to the Netherlands to present his teaching.

In May 2022 Rinpoche taught from the Dzogchen teachings the Six Lamps and he started with the First Lamp. He will continue this teaching in this seminar.




The source of these teachings is Tapiritsa who manifested himself in the expanse of the sky and transmitted teachings to Gyerpung Nangzher Lodpo, probably sometime at the turn of the 7th and 8th centuries AD.
The ‘lamps’ in the title, one by one illuminate different key points of Dzogchen.

The Six Lamps is one of the four important texts in the tradition of the oral transmission of the Zhang Zhung.  At the core of the dzogchen teachings is the view that all sentient beings are primordially pure, perfected, and have the potential to spontaneously manifest in a beneficial way. This capacity is within each and every one of us. It is our nature, yet we often find ourselves alienated and disconnected from ourselves and others as we rush about in our day-to-day lives. If we are willing to directly and nakedly encounter the experiences of our ordinary life, however challenging they may be, these experiences become the doorway to realizing our true nature, the doorway to inner refuge.

These teachings permit you to engage in the practice of meditation and reflection, to look intimately within and discover the jewel that is hidden in your ordinary experiences. Explore how to honor and respect the three doors of body, speech, and mind, and to recognize the opportunities for healing that life presents. Discover the inner refuge and the gifts of spaciousness, awareness, and warmth that can bring healing and benefit not only to you, but also to your relationships with others and the greater world.



Registration is closed



This seminar is open to anyone who wants to learn to live from openness and clarity.

Lecture:  Friday evening May 5  from 8.00 – 9.30 PM
Lessons: Saturday May 6 and Sunday May 7 from 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Venue:  Posthoornkerk, Amsterdam,
Haarlemmerstraat 124-126

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches in English
Translations will be made into Dutch

It is possible to follow this event online.
You can also register to attend the Friday night lecture only.

If you want to receive these teachings, but the costs present an obstacle, you can send us a message via and we'll find a suitable solution.